Amaya View Resort - Bukidnon Escapade Part 2

Before you take the moment to read this blog post, please check the 1st part of our Bukidnon Escapade so you can connect my stories. We actually first visited Amaya View which is located at Indahag Hills, Cagayan de Oro before visiting Crumbs and Country Food Park. My sister-in-law said this place is the boundary between Bukidnon and Cagayan (just correct her if she's wrong hehe), so we took the short route from Camp Phillips to Libona in order to get there. Although we had already passed Crumbs and Country Food Park during our trip which is located in Kiliog, Libona, we decided to go first to Amaya View as it was the first choice of everyone. 

However,  we were a little frustrated because it was raining non-stop while on our trip going to our destination. It took us almost an hour before we got there because we got lost as our Waze App messed up. But all of our little frustrations were eased when we got there and were greeted by fog while at Noah's Ark, one of their amazing attractions. It is said that this resort is located at the highest peak of Cagayan De Oro to allow you to see the perfect view of Cagayan de Oro City. Let me share with you our photos. 

As you can see, it was drizzling at that time, and one of our props was the umbrella while taking pictures. But in a little while, that rainy moment somehow turned into a foggy morning, which was very timely. 

Just near the Noah's ark is the Skyewalk where you can see the view of Cagayan de Oro City. So sad that this amenity was closed because of the rain.  Here are the photos I grabbed from their FB page.

And here we are. hehe

After Noah's Ark and Skyewalk, we went to Riley's Hill. We rode the resort's shuttle to take us there. 

We would have visited a lot of their amenities if it hadn't rained. But we promise to go back there next time to avail their room, enjoy their food,  and try their overlooking swimming pool. 

It's best if you avail their all-access offer so you can enjoy your visit there.