
Hi, I'm Jenniffer, a mother of two adorable girls and behind this blog, First-time Mom. This blog was born 8 years ago after I gave birth to my firstborn to share my firsthand experiences and duties as a First-Time Mom. But when my second baby arrived, I thought that this blog could be no longer called First-Time Mom but soon I realized that no matter how many children you may have, you would still encounter first-times. 

I have been married for 9 years to a man who eats and breathes computer codes. We both work at home. My husband works as a web developer while, I, work as a digital marketer. And we perform our duties as parents in between. I love to share my musings on parenting, motherhood, family, travel, homeschooling, and a healthy lifestyle. 

Some of my favorite pastimes are reading inspirational books, creating videos for my daughter's vlog, playing Chess with my husband, and going on road trips if the budget permits. If you're looking for a blog with perfect grammar, sorry, this blog is not for you. I am not a good writer but I am just here to express not to impress. My family and I have lived most of our lives in Davao City, Philippines.