My 4-year-old, Psalm, was diagnosed with Amoebiasis last week. It all started with frequent LBM for almost 6 times in a day. I got panicked when I noticed her stool was watery with a little mucus on it, which I found to be very unusual than her normal poop. Such manifestations of symptoms alarmed me and suspected that it might be an Amoebiasis. By then, we had her stool checked to the laboratory near us for confirmation. Please watch the video below the result of her laboratory and the medication that the doctor gave to my daughter.
Showing posts with label Baby and Medicines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby and Medicines. Show all posts
Oh Boy! My daughter, Psalm, was pooping unusually, about 5-6 times for this day alone. It made me worry because she'd been diagnosed with Amoebiasis a few years ago which all started with a frequent diarrhea that persisted up to 7 days. I remember what my Pedia said that if a baby or child has already a history of Amoebiasis, chances are, this disease would recur.
Immunization program differs in the availability, here in the Philippines, our Government offers free immunization of selected vaccines for infants. I went to the Health Center of our Barangay for Free Immunization if the vaccine is available rather than going to private doctor, it is quite expensive. Now, here's the list of a Baby’s Vaccination:
Crying is normal for babies for a reason. It is the only immediate communication a baby can do. In the early weeks, it's hard to recognize yet what your baby is telling you, and you may feel distressed and panicked when you hear him/her crying out loud.
I have experienced a similar situation as described above, but as time passed, I was able to determine reasons why she often cried. Here are the following reasons:
We cannot really tell when can a baby possibly start teething, however, there are signs that will help us to determine when she's on the way. Regarding my baby’s experience, she started teething as early as 5 months old. Her first pair teeth burst out at the lower, central portion, followed by the upper central pair teeth, and many more. During this teething stage, she behaved so strangely. Drooling, ear pulling, whining are just a few of the signs she went through. So, read more of the signs I'm going to share with you.
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