At early months, Chesska knew only mama, papa, tete, baby - just to name some, but as days, weeks, and years passed, she had already learned lots of words, which I am very proud of. How fulfilling, right?
Like all babies/toddlers, Chesska's means of communication starts first from cooing, crying, making noise, or even whining. But when she reaches 6 months old and onwards, she begins uttering a handful of words. I can tell that lots of factors can make a baby to begin utter words. What she hears and sees around can stimulate her brain to talk - music, toys, sounds, or even conversations.
As tips for moms, this is how I encourage my baby to talk. I would always name the objects anything she held or pointed to. For instance, when she wanted to drink her milk, I would point the bottle first before I handed over to her and would associate with a question, "Want to drink your milk?". Or sometimes, I would make a command like, "Get your Dora inside the cabinet.", or "Please pick up your toys".This way, she could easily understand what I am trying to tell her, and vice-versa.