Guyabano Fruit , Neighbors Claim, and Other Stories

Since we moved to our new house in 2010, my husband was fond of planting any - flowers, vegetables, and even fruits including Guyabano (soursop in English) in our yard. I had frequently told him, "atong balay mura nag lasang (Our house already looks like a forest! Even then, I just let him plant as many as he wants, anyway, we could all benefit during the harvest. Oh see.

But since our troublesome-dog,Whitey, came to the family, the flowers and vegetables were slowly messed up. He would not stop stepping and biting the plants until they slowly withered and died. We were all pissed. Can you feel our frustrations? Planted in months, destroyed in days! Since then, we concentrated growing fruits such as Guyabano, Jack fruit, and  Dwarf Coconut.

Okay, I will focus telling a story about the Guyabano...

It has been two years since we planted two seedlings of Guyabanos. One was planted at the left side of our house, and the other one was planted in front of our house. Between the two, the Guyabano which was planted in front our house grows well and bears lots of fruits. This tree has completely caught attention from the neighbors who happened to pass by our house.

How many guyabanos did you see? 

Freshly-picked Guyabano

Guyabano Shake

Neighbors Claim

One lovely morning, an old man who came from a brisk walk, who also happened to pass by our house ,asked withered leaves of Guyabano. I curiously asked him.

Me: Unsaon nimo ang dahon sa Guyabano nong?  (What will you do with the Guyabano leaves? )

Old Man: Akong lagaon day, nya imnon murag tsa ba.  (I'm going to boil the leaves and drink like a tea)

Me: Oh ok. 

Old Man: Diaebetic man gud ko day, mao ning akong alternative. (I'm diabetic and this is my alternative treatment. )

The following day of the same week, another old woman from the neighborhood who could hardly walk, also asked leaves. Out of curiosity, again, I asked. Her answer was the same as the old man's whom I have just mentioned earlier. But this time, she was hypertensive and just got a mild stroke.

Because of this fruit, we became popular in our block. Many neighbors near us already asked and made reservation - as in reserve not buy. Anyway, they are not for

You see how in demand the fruit is? I just remembered when I was little, this fruit is the least favorite among other fruits like santol, mangga, and singkamas. How I love craving santol or singkamas after school. hehe

Back to my story....

They are not the only people I know who claimed that Guyabano can cure any kind of diseases. It is actually a common belief not only from our neighbors but also across the country that Guyabano, whether fruits, leaves, or roots could treat numerous diseases including cancer.

Yes, partly, this claim makes sense! Even myself, too, has begun to believe of this claim. Well, any fruit when freshly picked and eaten immediately will provide lots of nutrients including "enzyme". Many are not yet aware that enzymes are necessary for digesting food, for stimulating the brain, for providing cellular energy, and for repairing all tissues, organs, and cells.

However, since I am a type of person who doesn't completely believe on "hearsay", but on evidence based on scientific research, then I find myself researching on the internet regarding this matter.

Here's what I got.

According to the scientific literatures gathered by Gigi, researches have been undertaken to uncover guyabano’s anticancer effects, starting in 1976 when the National Cancer Institute in the United States conducted the first study on the fruit’s supposed cancer fighting properties.
This was followed by 20 more laboratory tests conducted in various laboratories worldwide. They all came out with unanimous results: Guyabano tree extracts, indeed, proved to be effective against the growth of malignant cells in 12 cancer types. These include some of the deadliest cancer forms which have taken the lives of many around the globe: pancreatic, colon, lung, prostate and breast cancers.
According to the Catholic University of South Korea and Purdue University in Indiana, United States, guyabano tree extracts acted in a way that prevented it from harming normal cells, while successfully targeting the dangerous ones, unlike chemotherapy, which destroys all cells that multiply. The findings of the Catholic University of South Korea were published in the Journal of Natural Products. 
But, it has to be emphasized that all of these trials were conducted in the laboratory only using nonliving models, or what is called as in vitro experiments. Absolutely, no research in humans, so far.

On the other hand, here's another reliable article I've just found on the benefits of Guyabano.

Excerpt via:
Practitioners of herbal medicine recommend the fruit and leaves of the graviola tree to relieve stomach distress, fever, pain and respiratory problems such as cough and asthma, and for many other medical problems. Soursop contains a number of natural substances that have biological activity, according to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. These include fatty compounds called acetogenins, especially one called annonacin, along with other compounds called quinolones, annopentocins and two alkaloids, coreximine and reticuline. Soursop's acetogenins are the compounds that have been most studied, especially for their potential to prevent or slow the growth of cancer. The Cancer Center also says that some compounds in soursop may be naturally antiviral and antiparasitic, and may also suppress inflammation.

Additionally, my husband told me recently that he had read an article about Top-10 cancer fighting food in Yahoo, no. 1 is Guyabano. So I searched over the internet to get back the link so I can share it with you. Gladly, I found it.

Who says cancer prevention is expensive?
One may—or may not—take notice of this, but majority of the following can be found in his kitchen. By just simply incorporating these nature-given ingredients to his diet, one gets a clearer shot to living a healthier, longer life.

1. Guyabano - Otherwise known as the custard apple, Guyabano is deemed one of the miracle cures for cancer. In the study, “Journal of Medical Chemistry,” 14 structurally-diverse Annonaceous acetogenins, found in Guyabano extract were identified and tested for their ability to prevent the growth of adriamycian resistant human mammary adenocarcinoma cells.

According to a research in 1976, a chemical found in Guyabano is about 10,000 times more powerful and effective than Adriamycin, a drug used for chemotherapy.

Any idea about the Guyabano benefits? Can it really cure cancer and other diseases? Let me know your thoughts by leaving your comments below.