My One Word for 2019

Can you believe it’s 2019 and we’re already ending January? Time flies so fast when you are a busy, working mother of young kids like me.

In addition to my busyness, I have been updating myself of what's happening in the world through social media and one thing that caught my attention was what others were sharing on their status, and that's about #onewordfor2019. To keep up with the trend, I write mine here on my blog (should have written this early January, hehe)

What would this be?
My one word is as the same as others that I came across online, and it's the word PATIENCE! And I repeat PATIENCE.  

I've encountered a bunch of situations where my patience is being tested. One of which is waiting for others.  For example, when my relatives and I agreed to meet up for an outing and when they arrived late, I easily got upset. I don't like waiting for others especially when I know I am on time.

When it comes to my kids, I am impatient at times too. Most especially when they don't listen to me and seem to disregard my teachings. I also got angry easily when they misbehave and distract me at work.

In terms of being a wife to my husband, I am sometimes moody, cold and not a good listener. I easily get irritated when things don't turn out well as I want it to be.

There are actually other things that I become impatient of  (which I won't mention) and I already feel ashamed for being one.

Over the years, I've felt like I am being swallowed by this negative attitude which may have ruined my relationship with my family and others.  I have been praying hard that through God's grace, I will practice patience in all aspects of my life this year 2019. So help me God!