Bonna Milk vs. Nestogen Milk: Which One is Better for Babies?

Note: Children younger than 6 months old should only drink breast milk or infant formula. Talk with your pediatrician or other health care provider if you are having difficulty breastfeeding or finding infant formula.

In my previous blog posts, I often get asked by some mothers, asking which brand is better? Is it Nestogen or Bonna? Well, I cannot give you a straight answer because I am not a pediatrician nor someone who specializes in formula feeding.  But one piece of advice that I could give you is to carefully compare the nutrition facts and ingredients of each milk brand before giving it to your baby. For example, if your baby has lactose issues, then you are supposed to choose milk that is lactose-free.  However, it's still essential to seek professional advice especially when your baby is not growing normally or has deficiency symptoms. 

Before I compare, let me share with you what I read from the research about the formula as stated below:

Infant formulas must meet very high quality standards, ensuring complete safety of their use. They contain well-defined proportions of nutrients such as lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The aim is to ensure that their composition maximally resembles mother’s milk, and to this purpose, producers try to improve the proportions of protein and fat, increase vitamin and mineral content, and also add probiotics, prebiotics and omega-3 fatty acids. 

So let's compare now Bonna and Nestogen Milk. 

Similarities and Differences in Macronutrients

According to the National Library of Medicine, macronutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and fats are essential for the development and growth of a baby. Here are the similarities and differences between the two. 

  • Both Bonna and Nestogen offer these essential nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, fats
  • Bonna has more amount of protein, energy, and fatty acids per 100 grams.  
  • Nestogen has more amount of carbohydrates than Bonna. 

Let's proceed to Vitamins,  according to, these are the vitamins needed for your babies. 
  • Vitamin A. Keeps skin, hair, vision, and the immune system healthy.
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Helps the body turn food into energy.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Helps the body turn food into energy, and protects cells from damage.
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin). Helps the body turn food into energy and use fats and protein.
  • Vitamin B6. Keeps the brain and immune system healthy.
  • Vitamin B12. Keeps nerve and blood cells healthy, and makes DNA -- the genetic material in every cell.
  • Vitamin C. Protects against infections, builds bones and muscles, and helps wounds heal.
  • Vitamin D. Helps the body absorb calcium from food, and keeps bones and teeth healthy. Breastfed babies may need a D supplement.
  • Vitamin E. Protects cells from damage and strengthens the immune system.
  • Vitamin K. Helps the blood clot.

Similarities and Differences in Vitamins
  • Both Bonna and Nestogen offer these essential vitamins.
  • Although Bonna has more amount of Vitamin A, C, D, E, K, B1, B6, and B12 (See check mark)
  • While Nestogen has more amount of Vitamin B2, Niacin, and Folic
Before buying any formula milk, make sure that the nutrients I enumerated above are listed in the packaging of the milk.

Similarities and Differences in Minerals

These are some of the nutrients babies need to grow and stay healthy including calcium, iron, sodium, manganese, folate, and zinc but given in tiny amounts. 

  • Both Bonna and Nestogen offer these essential minerals
  • Although Nestogen has more amount of Chloride, Magnesium. Zinc, Manganese, Iodine, Sodium, Potassium, and Selenium
  • While Bonna has more amount of Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Copper

What nutrients does Bonna have that Nestogen doesn't have?

According to, these are the functions of these nutrients: Nucleotides and Probiotics. 

Nucleotides. These building blocks of RNA and DNA are also found in breast milk and added to some formulas.

They are thought to boost the baby's immune system and help the digestive organs develop.

Prebiotics and probiotics. Probiotics are "good" bacteria that might help protect against the "bad" types of bacteria that cause infection. Prebiotics promote the growth of these good bacteria in the gut.

Conclusion: Which Milk is Better for Babies?

In terms of the number of nutrients, we can conclude that Bonna has more nutrients than Nestogen. However, I am not the right person to tell you which milk is better. Please do your own research so you can decide which milk is better based on your baby's needs.