Chesska's 11th Birthday

Each of my kid's birthdays is important to my heart because it's the day when I celebrate their progress and milestones in life.  I also feel grateful for all the opportunities for being their mother despite my imperfections. Chesska turning 11 feels like time did not really slow down, and I cannot believe that our little girl is growing so fast.  

My love for this girl is huge though sometimes we clashed because she didn't listen many times (haha)! In spite of that,  Chesska is creative, especially at drawing, loves to pet fish, and she is such a wonderful big sister to her little sister Psalm.  Although sometimes, she's not patient with her, she gives way most of the time when her sister is annoying (hehe). 

So over a month ago, we had just a simple 11th birthday celebration. It was simple yet it was a huge way to show her how special she is to our family.  We prepared her favorite foods and invited her cousin close to her heart. 

Since she turned 11, I've seen a lot of changes in her, especially the way she dresses up. She loves trendy clothes and is curious about the physical changes she has noticed. It looks like I am not yet ready to embrace the changes in her because for me she's still my baby (hehe).  But I know deep inside my heart that this change will come. I am grateful to God, for giving me an opportunity to raise the kind of girl that He wants her to be.