A Letter from A Mom

Seeing you improving day by day is such a great achievement for me as a first time mom. I've never regretted giving up my teaching profession to devote my time for you because I want to be there to guide you during your first crawl and first step, to hear your first mumble,  and to cook the first solid food for you.

I knew that being a first time mom had never been easier,  such as I woke up at the middle of the night when you were hungry and crying; when you wanted to be carried all the time when you were sick and I was not minding anymore the backache, headache and all the aches; when my one hand was on the mouse attending to my online job while my other hand was cuddling you until you fell asleep. Those were worth doing,  because with just your cute smile, every struggle wiped away. 

Though you're still a little baby, you have become already a teacher of mine, because everyday you've taught me many lessons and helped me grow as a person and as a mother. To my child, no matter what happens, you are the best child I've ever had, and I promise to be the best mother that I can be...To all first time mom, Happy Mother's day!