Autumn Adventures at Rainbow Park with Family and Friends

A few days away from now will mark the start of the Fall Season or what we also call the Autumn Season here in the city of Prince George. Hilariously, these pictures were from last year's fall, and I just posted them now.  Additionally, a few days from now will mark our first year here in Canada. Thank God that we survived the cold weather and cost of living. On top of that, my family and I have already adjusted to the Canadian culture.  But as a Filipino, of course, there's nothing better than the culture of the Filipinos when it comes to family values and culture. 

So without further ado, these were the pictures taken last year. 

Rainbow Park is one of many parks in Prince George's where families and friends gather for a picnic.  A sign that says "Bear Aware" is seen around the park and people are encouraged to walk in groups and make noise to scare away bears.

The first family we met last year was the Tocson Family. We were grateful that we knew them because it's difficult to live here in Canada without friends. We consider them as our close family. 

Plants and flowers in Canada bloom in different colors during the Fall season or what we also call autumn. Never in my wildest dreams that I can experience like this. Before I just used to see this in pictures or movies.

The pictures below are no longer taken from the Rainbow Park, this was taken around the subdivision.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog. All I can say is Prince George is a beautiful and clean city with many breathtaking and mesmerizing views, especially during the Fall season.