Nine days left before Christmas, and we're pretty excited! Seems like it just happened yesterday, didn't it? While you are all catching up with the Christmas sales anywhere, I also would like to catch up this post, which should have been published a...
I am glad to present to you our Halloween-themed sensory play of the month, in line with this coming holiday. Since my 3-year old is scared of monsters or "momo" in our dialect, in which I used to scare her every time she...
I used to give a certificate of recognition to my students before and  witnessed how the parents feel after receiving fruits out of hard work from their children. The joy felt by the parents is absolutely relatable! Just a couple days ago,  we...
I know it's too late (or maybe not yet too late ) to diet a few weeks before my delivery! By the way, when I ate my breakfast today, I still indulge in two cups of rice + a cup of hot milo +  a...
On the one hand, social media like Facebook helps us connect and catch up easily with friends statuses and photos they post. On the other hand, I choose to remain as private as I am now so my friends barely see me post...
In my previous posts, I mentioned about how Chesska struggled on the first day of school. I also wrote a letter to the teacher, requesting her to find out why Chesska cried during her class which happened during the fourth week of June and...
We survived one month of regular schooling! But it was not as smooth as I expected! All along, I thought my 4-year-old daughter, Chesska,   finds big school more enjoyable for she can already gain new friends to mingle and play with. Though...

SSS Woes

July 03, 2016
Our future seems secured when we become a member of Social Security System or SSS. I have been a member of SSS for over 10 years now which entitles me for a monthly pension whenever I reach 60 years old. I thought I...
I have been dreaming of sending my daughter to a prestigious and competitive school. Our first pre-school option for Chesska was to enroll her at Precious International School of Davao at Matina crossing. I have been hearing a lot of good things about...