1. Plan Ahead
Plan at least two or three months before the birthday party to avoid “last minute” preparation that leads to messy outcome. Keep in mind that this is a party for your baby, not for the BIG ones. Prepare what are needed for the children to enjoy the party. Then, consider the important thing, the budget that would cover everything according to the parents’ desire and affordability.
We cannot really tell when can a baby possibly start teething, however, there are signs that will help us to determine when she's on the way. Regarding my baby’s experience, she started teething as early as 5 months old. Her first pair teeth burst out at the lower, central portion, followed by the upper central pair teeth, and many more. During this teething stage, she behaved so strangely. Drooling, ear pulling, whining are just a few of the signs she went through. So, read more of the signs I'm going to share with you.
Most babies are vulnerable to rashes because of their delicate skin. However, it can be prevented if we keep baby clean. My newborn baby had also experience rashes due to weather temperature- too hot that made her sweat a lot.
I have these clothes ready in the hospital and at home:
- Tie Side-Shirts - It is convenient to dress up a baby using this kind of clothes-to protect baby's cord from touching. I bought long sleeves and short sleeves tie side shirts. I did not buy many since baby grew extremely fast.
- Pajamas- I bought three pajamas preferably white in color. I bought medium size since baby grew fast within the first two weeks.
Seeing you improving day by day is such a great achievement for me as a first time mom. I've never regretted giving up my teaching profession to devote my time for you because I want to be there to guide you during your first crawl and first step, to hear your first mumble, and to cook the first solid food for you.
Three days ago, I received an email from someone I didn't know, requesting me to share the video of her personal story on my blog. As I watched the video through a link she provided on my email, my heart was moved by this courageous mother and mesothelioma cancer survivor. Her name is Heather.